Monday, July 4, 2011

Rise American Proletariat

Independence Day, 2011

     On this day in which we celebrate the idea of  freedom and Independence from those whom would enslave our countries noble labors to the will and opulence of foreign masters we once again find ourselves in a similarly precarious place, the recession is technically over, corporate coffers are packed with capital, the stock market has increased in value upwards on 60% since the "technical" conclusion of the recession, and yet millions of once dutifully employed middle-class Americans still finds themselves on the brink of destitution unable to find their way back to that cherished dream earned with their own sweat and effort only to be lost in the blink of a greedy eye through no fault of their own. All across the nation, homes where children once played sit as vacant eye sores in once bristling communities where they slowly fall into dilapidation before being written off by banks just as the families which once occupied them are being written off by there fellow Americans. Small businesses across the country find themselves with lower tax obligations than they had 15 years ago but a glaring deficit of paying customers to provide the revenue necessary to take advantage of all the "supply-side stimulus". 
     Our nation sits on the brink of default with half of our elected officials unable to support the slightest effort at responsible revenue increases simply because an unelected corporate profiteer has their signature on a "pledge" to resist any tax increase outright regardless of the context for such an endeavor. The other half of our elected officials fear the supreme court decision which enables the only profitable enterprises remaining in the current economy (corporate American) to spend unlimited amounts of private money to directly influence federal, state and local elections, so they feign when they should charge and charge when they should feign like exhausted and shell shocked fighters over-run by superior forces. The only solution palatable to the political predicaments of both parties is to re-write the social contract and shift even more of the burden and strain of this current economic calamity upon the backs of the elderly and working middle class whose blatant exploitation knows no bounds. This the mainstream media labels as a difficult yet responsible choices.
     The only social movement with national visibility within this current depressive social milieu is one sparked by a wall street broker enraged by the mere idea of the federal government stepping in to offer a modicum of assistance and support to any of the millions of Americans whose greatest investment (their homes, in which they raised their children) had just been ravaged by the greed and recklessness of the peers of that same individual who effectively co-opted the rhetoric of the American revolution to validate his self-centered rant against any federal action which may adversely affect the value of his wager (Credit default swap I assume) that the lives of million WOULD be destroyed in the wake of the de-regulatory zeal of the last few decades.  That movement being quickly co-opted and thoroughly funded by the billionaire owners of an energy conglomerate was more than capable of surviving the economic slaughter running rampant across the nation and facilitating the election of representatives across the country who would be all to willing to rage open war against organized labor, immigrants workers, women rights, campaign finance legislation, same sex marriage, and every other public institution which stands in contrast to their chosen ideology.
     America, it is time for another movement, not one built on the back of a political campaign from either party, but one built upon the dreams of the true majority. Those whose value is created through the efforts of their arms and limbs. This nation cannot be great again without restoring the prominence of the great middle-class.  We must out-educate and out-inform the mis-informers and mis-educators.  We are out here, we feel your struggle, we remember the struggle of our parents and will do what we must to alleviate the struggles of our children and our children's children. The situation is precarious and dire but it is not hopeless. Join Me

Independence Day 2011


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